Root Canals

Root Canal In Cedar Hill, TX

Not As Scary As It Sounds

“You need a root canal.” are words that strike dread into the heart of most dental patients. Why do you need this treatment, and what can you expect during the procedure?

Serenity Advanced Dentistry in Cedar Hill, TX is here to answer any questions and help you through the entire process; we provide state-of-the-art care and have various sedation options available for root canals and other dental services.

Dr. Allala is committed to assisting patients who have difficulty seeking dental health services due to dental anxiety. Her goal is to make your dental visit as stress-free as possible, especially when facing a universally dreaded treatment like a root canal. In the capable hands of Dr. Allala, you can relax knowing her experience and knowledge will deliver the care you need gently and compassionately. You might be surprised at what a big difference an excellent “chairside” manner can make!

Only a dentist can tell if you need a root canal, but here is a list of some common symptoms that may indicate one is necessary. This a partial list; your symptoms may differ. Consult with a dentist if you have these or any other concerning symptoms for a diagnosis and treatment plan for your specific needs.

Symptoms That May Require A Root Canal

Persistent Tooth Pain

This pain may come and go, but it always returns and is a sure sign you need to see a dentist asap.

Sensitivity To Heat And Cold

This discomfort may be sharp or a dull ache. If it lingers for an extended period of time after you eat or drink, you may need a root canal.

Changes To Tooth Color

Teeth that suddenly appear grayish or darker mean the blood supply has been affected. Seeing a dentist asap is critical.

Swollen Gums

Swollen gums near a painful tooth are a sign of infection and should be seen by a dentist asap, even if the swelling comes and goes. You may experience pus draining from the gum that has an unpleasant taste or smell, and the infection can spread quickly to other areas if not treated.

Tooth Pain With Pressure

If a tooth hurts when you eat or touch it is a sign of decay. Seeing a dentist sooner than later gives you the best chance of saving the tooth.

Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

Once a tooth is damaged, it is vulnerable to bacteria getting into the pulp and causing infection. Have a dentist examine any damaged tooth asap.

Tooth Mobility

Teeth should be firmly anchored in their socket. If a tooth begins to feel loose or shifts, this is a sign that it needs immediate attention. Delay could result in tooth loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

A root canal is a procedure to treat the infected and inflamed root of a tooth and the surrounding canal. The dentist will create a small hole to access the tooth’s pulp to remove dead or dying tissue and clean and disinfect the area to remove any bacteria. Next, the dentist will pack the sterilized canal with a special dental material called gutta-percha and place a filling on top to seal the tooth.

Most patients will require a crown after having a root canal to strengthen and preserve the natural tooth. At Serenity Advanced Dentistry, we can often provide a Same Day Crown at the time of your root canal.

Years ago, when dentists first started performing root canals, they did not have the modern tools and sedation that today’s dentist use. To say there have been some improvements to the experience would be an understatement, especially when you have a dentist like Dr. Allala, who is focused on ensuring you the most comfortable treatment available in dentistry today. You can relax knowing that Dr. Allala is an expert at calming dental anxiety and administering the appropriate sedation to get you through your root canal relatively pain-free.

After the root canal, most patients report immediate relief because the source of infection has been removed. You should not experience significant pain after the procedure and can manage mild pain with over-the-counter or prescription medication provided by the dentist. For patients, residual discomfort or sensitivity from a root canal is resolved in less than a week. Call the dentist immediately for additional assessment if you experience throbbing or severe pain after your procedure.

The dentist will use a local anesthetic before placing your crown to ensure you are not uncomfortable during the procedure. Most patients report getting a crown is similar to the sensations experienced when getting a filling, with slight pressure but no pain. If you have any dental anxiety or fear, please let us know. We are here to ensure that you have as pleasant an experience in our office as possible and will work with you to alleviate any dental anxiety concerns you may have.

Is This The Right Way Forward?


Please don’t take chances with your health; call Serenity Advanced Dentistry today and find out how we can help you have optimal oral health. Your smile will thank you!